My husband and I are Junior High Youth Pastors at a local church where we get the opportunity to be a part of some amazing young people’s lives. It’s a beautiful thing. We love the kids we get to hang out with and are praying that they would know their worth and not miss their potential. But so many things are facing them daily. Each week as we take time to prepare a message to share I realize, no one thing that I say is going to be a cure-all statement for the many challenges in their lives.
We took our Junior High group to a youth event at the Ford Field Stadium in Detroit a couple weeks back. “Who is influencing this generation?” and “What is branding me?” Are just a few of the questions we took a look at as we gathered with 35,000 young people of Michigan. These youth all came because they were desiring something more than what has been portrayed as “normal life”. Why do you think that is? I mean what’s so bad about what they have going on right now? Well, let’s take a look at some of the aspects intertwined in these young people’s lives.
This generation views 16 to 17 hours of television each week and sees, on average, 14,000 sexual scenes and references each year. That’s more than 38 references every day.
This generation spends three hours a day online and is the first to grow up with point-and click pornography. Almost 90 percent of teens have viewed pornography online at one of the 300,000 adult websites, most while doing homework.
More than 25 percent of teen-targeted radio segments contain sexual content; 42 percent of top selling CDs contain sexual content.
With more than $128 billion dollars in their pockets, this generation of teens has been targeted by corporate America, who does everything it can to grow brands and profits without any regard to the moral decay of a generation.
MTV, which owns Nickelodeon and other entities, made this statement, “We don’t advertise to this generation, we own this generation.” A Soviet Communist Party Official made this declaration, “If you could effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation, we will have won that country. By making readily available drugs of various kinds, by giving the teenagers alcohol, by praising his wildness, by stimulating him with sex literature…we can create the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness and worthlessness.” There is a tragedy at hand in America.
Many of the youth in Mason County attended this event called the Battle Cry. What I heard from the youth in our group and the other thousands present at this event is that they don’t want to be owned and destroyed by these things which are hazardous to them. It became obvious to them that there are serious consequences to adopting the lifestyles that have been acted out before them, whether on the stage or in real life.
It just takes some kids to get together a battle plan and to have the guts to stick to it, to change our nation. So don’t be surprised if you start to see them rising up to boldly reclaim their generation for good. If enough of them don’t buy the junk being sold, they’ll stop selling it.
Our junior-highers have enlisted to fight for their generation and I am committed to standing behind them every step of the way. To the adults of Mason County I say, “Get ready and stand by our young leaders, as they stand up for the sake of their generation and our nation.” So much is in their hands, if they continue in an apathetic fashion then we all lose. But if we stand with them they will have the potential of changing the destiny of our country.”